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Dial-A-Ride Dial-a-Ride
is a special service the New Britain Senior Center provides to New Britain
senior citizens. Dial-a-Ride is a bus service that travels only within the
confines of New Britain. The cost is 1 dollar each way per person. Reservations
for pickup must be given 2 days notice. For members who cannot get to the buses,
a car is provided. Bus rides can be used to go shopping, get to medical
appointments, make visits to convalescent homes and hospitals, etc. The only
requirement for Dial-a-Ride is that you are at least 60 years of age. In the
future, Dial-a-Ride will most likely also provide for the handicapped. Contact
Dial-a-Ride at 826-3555. Calls are to be made between 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.
Insurance Information Aid in
filing Medicare claims or appeals, interpreting medical bills and assistance in
making decisions concerning Medicare supplemental insurance. Advice
on Living Wills and how to deal with advance medical directives is also
available. Connpace&Connmap
Applications Day: Monday thru Friday by
Assistance in filing applications for Prescription Drug
Program (Connpace-Income limits $14,200 for single applicants and $17,100 for
married couples) and Medical Assignment Program (Connmap Income limits $22,700
for single applicants and $27,390 for married couples). Income information
for the entire year of 1997 is required to file an application, so save your
income documents that are sent out during January to apply. Visiting
Nurse Assoc. of Central Connecticut, Inc.
Nurse, Ricki Schless Visiting Nurse
Ricki Schless is available at the Senior Center for health assessments and
monitoring at the following times: "Walk In" visits without
appointments are on Monday, 8:30-11:30 a.m. New clients are welcome on
walk-in days. Appointments are necessary on Tuesday, Wednesday, and
Friday. Call the health suite for more information.
The services provided may include blood pressure screenings,
health assessment and monitoring, counseling pertaining to diet, medications,
exercise and wellness. Blood glucose, hemoglobin and urine testing may
also be done. Referrals are often made to various resources in the
community to assist the client as needed.
Foot care clinics continue to be held a few times each month
to provide routine care to feet and counseling about related issues. This
service is provided by the Visiting Nurse Association of Central Connecticut,
Inc. at a cost of $18 (please not the increase in fee) per foot clinic
visit. Appointments are necessary. Arthritis
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